Announce to My People; “Here Comes The Wind”, a violent wind that will uproot tree’s of wickedness that have stood for many generations. I’m sending the wind and exposing the root systems that have been hidden for many generations. Out of that Root System, there will be a release of a generation that have been held captive by these structures of wickedness. Outwardly these tree’s look impressive and some even appear pure, but I Am the God who Sees (El Roi). I see the root systems underground that many fail to see, because they do not have eyes to see.
So I say Watch with Me. Watch the Unusual Winds blow and know this is a manifestation of war for the release of a generation held in captivity.

Call to My People, cry out to them once again “Here Comes the Wind” Tell them do NOT resist the violent winds of change, do NOT batten down the hatches, but tell them to OPEN their windows and doors and “Call for the WIND to Come” and blow away everything that is NOT gold refined in My Fire. Yes My Wind will be fierce, Yes My Wind will blow away many things, belief systems, structures, that my people hold dear. But declare to them once again, “What Comes with the Wind is Greater than what the Wind blows away.”
My Breath, My Wind will be fierce in removing and exposing the mixture of generations, but EVERYTHING they’re truly LONGING for will Come in that same Wind. If My people will embrace the fierce Winds of Change, there is truly a Divine Exchange in the Winds of Change. I will blow away the filthy garments of religion, striving, shame and cloth them with the Garments of My Beloved Son. I will awaken and restore the Redemptive Sound of their Blood. No longer will they be plagued by depression, oppression and generational baggage, but they will manifest the Glory that I have destined for their Bloodline to release. Those who yield to My Wind will be mantled and commissioned in MY RESTORATION ARMY and move in sync with the Captain of Heaven’s Host.
So I say, ALLOW ME to dismantle so I can re-mantle. Allow Me to dismantle the garments of the past season enabling Me to mantle you in the WAR MANTLE of My Son.
So I say to your eyes, Be Lifted Up and See! Behold a REMNANT ARISES, a FIRST FRUIT COMPANY of yielded ones being SENT forth and releasing My Breath, warring with the breath of My Mouth, delivering generations and awakening MY RESTORATION ARMY in the Earth.
Behold I make ALL Things New - believe it! Behold I make ALL Things New in YOU and through you! My Eyes have been searching, looking throughout the earth looking for My “ALL -IN” Company. I will come! I will take up residence in them! They will be My Prized Possession (Mal.3:16-18) the Ones that I will make a clear distinction through. A distinction between those who serve Me and those who say they serve Me but they do not, but serve a mixture of purposes and NOT MY SOLE PURPOSE! I will make myself Known through My Possessed Ones, those possessed by My Spirit and My Purpose. So I say, lift up your eyes and behold, here they come MY unveiled face ones, MY shinny ones who will bring forth the RESTORATION and manifestation of MY Latter Glory, My Greater Glory!
MY RESTORATION ARMY will release the violent winds of My Mouth that will rend religious veils that keep My People from seeing ME clearly.
Here comes the Wind Blowers (those who release the wind of Holy Spirit) commissioned from the glassy sea, a new breed of prophets, a pure breed of prophets, not a mix breed but a PURE Breed. Not commissioned by the hand of man, nor by the agency of man but by the Living Coal of the Lord, from the midst of the 4 Living Ones. They will be “Living Voice Messengers” with the Living Coal in their spirit man. They will unlock the genetic code of bloodlines that has been on lock down by iniquity and iniquitous structures. Once again the waters of earth will respond to the feet of those sent from the glassy sea. With 1 WORD demons will come out, with 1 WORD blind eyes will see. With 1 WORD cities will tremble under the fear of the Lord.
The Lord said to me years ago, Charles Finney was just a mere shadow of an army of Possessed Ones that I AM raising up! I believe His Restoration Army is comprised of both old and young. Those who have fully yielded to the wind. The key - Call for the Violent Fierce Winds of His Mouth (Holy Spirit) to Blow upon you!
Pray- Father God I yield to the breath of your mouth (Holy Spirit), blow away everything that is hindering your Eternal Purpose from fully coming forth in me, my bloodline and the sphere of stewardship that you’ve allotted to me. I say not the hands of man, nor the hands of the enemy but into your Hands Jesus/Yeshua - I commit All of My Life once again.