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“Behold The Place Where I Am Seated - The Mercy Seat”

Writer's picture: Ed WattsEd Watts

“I Want You To Enter Into 2025 By Sowing Into Mercy!”

Last month while seeking the LORD concerning 2025 I heard multiple things but the most impactful statement was, “I want you to enter into 2025 by sowing into Mercy!”

I want you to sow financially, emotionally, relationally and spiritually into MERCY!  Mercy is the foundation of the movement that will release the Government of My Kingdom, My Governmental Glory.”

That statement from the LORD brought me immediately back to an encounter I had with the LORD a few years ago. It was in the middle of a very trying season and the Lord spoke clearly to me a few profound statements that totally shifted my perspective concerning prevailing unfair/unjust circumstances. These statements from the LORD revealed my heart and brought me into a greater revelation of God’s mercy, God’s government and the manifestation of His glory

I feel strongly that I’m supposed to share these 3 statements that the Lord spoke to me during this trial along with what it means to sow into mercy which will be the test of transition into the new era. I believe this is a Now word for the transition ahead from 2025/5785 to 2026/5786.


The LORD said, “Son, how you steward the daggers of injustice in your back will determine if I can unsheathe a sword of justice from your mouth. If you cannot steward injustice how can I trust you to steward pure justice? You must see from My eyes and understand that injustice is an opportunity to come into Unity with ME and give people what I gave you - MERCY!   I really meant it when I said, "Love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you that you might be LIKE ME!”

Matt. 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,  45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven;

As we move into 2025 the LORD is examining our Kingdom stewardship and asking His People a few questions.

1.  What have you done with what I have given you?

What I heard the LORD say is, “The greatest asset of My Kingdom is redemptive mercy. It cost Me the Blood of My Son! I have freely given mercy to ALL who walk with Me. I have also given them many opportunities to become ONE with Me, by manifesting Me. I AM Mercy.”

2.  What's your heart posture towards those who have worked injustice towards you?

"Are you hoping they get what they DESERVE? Or are you hoping they get what I GAVE YOU? MERCY!”

As we move into 2025, I believe the LORD is asking His People to sow extravagantly into MERCY and become ONE with Him in this aspect of His Person.

What person’s face arises in your heart as you read this? This is the one to sow mercy into. I’m not saying this will be easy or fair from a natural standpoint but it’s practical application of the crucified life in Christ. Just as Jesus cried out from the cross, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they’re doing.” This is our call as Christ disciples, this is the open door to come into Union with Him. In Acts 7, we see Stephen manifesting mature sonship as a disciple of Christ. Stephen utters the same statement of mercy while he’s being stoned by wicked unjust men.

The LORD is examining our stewardship for a greater measure of His Kingdom to be released through our lives. I truly believe we are at the threshold of a new era and new administration of Kingdom Governance & Glory.

“It’s Time For You To Take Your Seat

Where My Governmental & Glory Is Released”

Is. 9:6  For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

7  Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end,

2Cor. 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Eph. 2:6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,

Our nation’s government seats are currently in a time of transition. As we all know there’s a new administration coming into the White House, the Congress and governmental offices throughout our nation. There’s an unseating and a reseating taking place in the natural realm concerning crucial governmental seats of authority. I believe what is occurring in the natural realm is also happening in the realm of the spirit and within the administration of Father God’s Kingdom on the earth.

We’re entering a time of great transition in the earth and the LORD will continue shaking the thrones and governmental seats of man. We will continue to see a greater exposure and shaking of seats of authority within the Body of Christ. The LORD is unseating and reseating a new administration for a new era. He’s evaluating earthly stewardship right now but not according to our standard but according to His Righteous standard which is the Lifestyle of His Son. Jesus is the righteous plumbline (Isaiah 28:16) that reveals what is in alignment and what is not aligned righteously. He’s reminding us of our call as His disciples, we’re called to be conformed to His Image (Romans 8:28-29) and walk in His steps manifesting Him to the world around us.

It’s time for us to take our governmental seat of authority in heavenly places in Christ, but He is reminding us of the place where He sits and the place that He speaks from. It’s truly the time for us to take our seat in Christ, the place where His governmental ever-increasing glory is released.

“Behold The Place Where I Am Seated - The Mercy Seat”

I Heard the Lord say, “Tell my people - Behold the place where I Am seated, the mercy seat! Will you sit In MERCY with Me? Will you speak from My heart? I AM Mercy! This is the place where My governmen and My glory is released from.”

Ex. 25:21 You shall put the mercy seat on top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the Testimony that I will give you.  22 And there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are on the ark of the Testimony,

Heb. 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

I’ve heard many good prophetic messages over the last decade concerning taking our seated authority as the Ekklesia and how it’s necessary that we begin operating as God’s governmental body in the earth. I wholeheartedly agree with this prophetic truth concerning our judicial position in Christ but what the LORD has been profoundly speaking to me is how we move from judicial truth to experiential truth. How we speak to one another or about one another is crucial in our ascension into maturity in Christ. This is the test between having judicial truth or experiential truth. The ascension into heavenly places is an ascension of maturity in Christ that will come with great trials and tests. These tests will determine our measure of stewardship of true words of authority versus just being a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal (1Cor.13:1). In our judicial revelation of being the Ekklesia (the governmental body of Christ) let’s make sure we are speaking from the heart and emotions of the King of the Kingdom or from the place where He is seated, the Mercy Seat.

During that past season of difficulty these scriptures (Exodus 25:21 - Heb. 4:16) were highlighted to me. The LORD said, “I will speak to you from the mercy seat and if you truly want to be ONE with Me, seated with Me in heavenly places, that must be the place that you speak to people from! Ed, anyone can give someone what they deserve, but it takes a mature son seated in Me (Mercy) to give people what they do not deserve, especially those that have hurt you and wielded acts of injustice towards you.”

This is HOW we get into our seated authority in Christ, by coming into UNION with His Heart and His Emotions for those around us and giving people what they do not deserve just as we have received what we do not deserve.

Again, anyone can say what's wrong with someone but it takes a mature son seated in mercy to see past the hard exterior of people and speak a word from the heart of the Father God’s original intent for them.

The Scroll Of Origins - Father God's Original Intent For Every Bloodline

Psa. 139:16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your scroll before one of them came to be.

Rev. 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals. 2 Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?” 3 And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it.

Rev. 5:6   And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth.  7 Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.

During that testing season of injustice the LORD said, “Ask me for a word from that person’s scroll.” I knew He meant Psalm 139:16. He said, “One word from My Scroll for their lives will be like an unsheathed sword of light that will cut them to the heart and open their eyes to see My door of hope and restoration path for their lives. Too many of My People are speaking the FACTS about people instead of the TRUTH.  Ed, the facts are what you see on the exterior, the truth is what I have called them to be from the foundation of the earth. Ask Me for the truth concerning those who oppose you and come into union with Me in intercession concerning My word for their lives.”

As I write this, I hear the LORD say, “I’m currently looking for worthy ones that I can trust with scrolls of original intent for people, regions and nations. My eyes are truly ranging to and fro throughout the earth looking for a wholehearted one who’s come into UNION with My Heart and My eternal purpose for others and the earth.”

Worthy Ones - Stewards Of The Scrolls Of Original Intent”

Biblically, the word worthy means, ‘tested and approved one.’ Father God has a restoration plan (scroll) for every bloodline, people group and nation, yet He needs a worthy one who can open the scroll. His Eyes (7 spirits of the LORD) are looking for His tested and approved ones who can be trusted to steward realms of Kingdom Light without becoming corrupted by them. Trustworthy stewards is the truth that Father has spoken to me concerning why revival tarries or it begins and then fizzles out. The motives of our heart are a key factor in Kingdom stewardship. The motives of our heart will be tested prior to the Father entrusting us with a greater measure of authority in the Kingdom. Remember tests are opportunities, portals to come into unity with the heart, the emotions and character of the LORD.

It goes back to the first statement that I began with about stewarding our daggers. The LORD said, “If I can’t trust you to steward Injustice how can I trust you to steward Pure Justice? You will be too dangerous to those around you moving out of emotions and insecurities instead of your seated place of authority, the Mercy Seat!”

Mature sons seated in Christ (Mercy) will be the movement that will manifest the Kingdom and see the release of the latter glory. These truths have little to do with our salvation, but they’re crucial concerning our effectiveness of stewarding and releasing the Kingdom. Our salvation is secured by grace and grace alone, but our effectiveness in releasing the Kingdom and effecting change in the earth has everything to do with our stewardship.

I’m NOT Condoning Sloppy Agape - Greasy Grace or Unsanctified Mercy

I want to emphasize, I’m not condoning sloppy agape or greasy grace which basically says, anything goes and everything is okay because of the grace and mercy of God. Nor am I saying you should become someone's doormat and allow people to abuse you mentally, emotionally or God forbid physically. Those that have committed crimes of injustice should be held accountable for their actions. In the Body of Christ we desperately need to hold people accountable for their actions to help them grow up in Christ or we will operate in Unsanctified Mercy which will keep people in a continual state of immaturity. The bottom line being communicated here is Our Heart Posture (the Lord’s Heart) towards those in our relational sphere. Saul of Tarsus deserved judgment for his persecution of the Saints but I believe the Saints took the words of Jesus to heart and began to pray for their enemy Saul. Saul of Tarsus was transformed on the Road to Damascus and became the Apostle Paul, an incredible steward of the mysteries of God. Let’s believe 2025 will be a year of Saul’s being transformed into Apostle Paul’s!

2025 will present many opportunities, portals to come into unity with the Crucified Christ and which can result in a transformation in our own lives. Let’s allow the deep workings of the LORD transform us from anointed orphans into manifested sons. The practical key for us concerning ascending into our seated authority in Christ is not speaking in tongues or more hours of prayer, yet these are very  very very important. The Key is ascending into maturity, into the Person of Christ and having His worldview, His perspective and His response in the midst of difficulty. Basically it takes not over spiritualizing every negative circumstance (by saying I’m under attack) and seeing your difficult moments as portals to come into unity with the LORD concerning the most valuable asset of His Kingdom, Redemptive Mercy!


He said, “Son, My People are so enamored and moved by anointed vessels but I am moved by those that manifest My Name. I can anoint anyone to raise the dead, heal the sick and to prophesy accurate date and future events, remember I anointed a donkey to prophesy (Balaam’s Donkey). The anointing doesn’t equate maturity, it reveals availability. Just because you're anointed Ed, it doesn’t equate maturity in Me. Remember the highest seat in My Kingdom is the place where I’m seated, the Mercy Seat.”

Sons Who Proclaim & Manifest Father’s Name - The Latter Glory

Gal. 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Ex. 33:18  And he said, “Please, show me Your glory.”  19 Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”

Ex. 34:5  Now the LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. 6 And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth,

John 17:4 I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.  6  “I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world.

“When My servant Moses requested to behold My Glory, what was My response? I will proclaim My Name to you. My name is Mercy, it’s not an emotion that I express, it’s who I AM. It’s the place that I meet with and speak to My Children from. The latter glory that many are longing for will not come through anointed power demonstrations but through my crucified ones who are in Union with My SON. My latter glory will be released through those who proclaim and manifest My Name.”

Moving From Anointed Orphans to Mature Sons - Follow The Mercy Seat

I heard the LORD say, “Tell My People the time is full and we’re moving quickly! I have been very patient and have allotted much time and many opportunities during the past season for My People to come into UNION with ME. The past season of anointed orphans is over and we’re moving into the season of My mature sons who have been crucified with Me and have taken their place seated with Me.”

Josh. 3:1 Then Joshua rose early in the morning; and they set out from Acacia Grove and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they crossed over.  2 So it was, on the third day, after the officers passed through the camp;  3 and commanded the people, saying, “When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it.  4 Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before.” 5 And Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.”

2 Peter 3:8  But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Ex. 4:22 Then you shall say to Pharaoh, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Israel is My son, My firstborn. 23 So I say to you, let My son go that he may serve Me.

Hos. 11:1 “When Israel was a child, I loved him, And out of Egypt I called My son.

The message of transition must be clearly defined and trumpeted throughout all the camps. We’re at the threshold of the greatest transition concerning redemptive history and there’s no time to waste over frivolous things. It’s time to consecrate ourselves to crossover into the 3rd day of Yahweh, a day of wonders! The story of Israel crossing over into their covenant promise is a prophetic parable that finds its full application in one generation. Joshua was directed by the LORD to send messengers throughout all the tribal camps of Israel (Jos. 1:11) for 2 day. They trumpeted the word of the LORD, prepare yourself for the 3rd day, we’re crossing over. This is the Word of the LORD to be trumpeted concerning the transition ahead of us. The multiple mentions of the 3rd day throughout scripture is a prophetic marker of time that points to ONE generation in the fullness of time. Peter declared, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Currently we’re at the threshold of 2,000 years or 2 days from the cross & resurrection of Christ. It’s so important to understand that the statements from the LORD through Joshua were not just for them but also for us. Joshua 3:1 says, “Joshua rose early on the 3rd day.” Joshua is the Hebrew word for Yeshua who also rose early (resurrected) on the 3rd day! It’s not all glorious, especially to our flesh because there’s a death of the 2nd day structures and wineskins at the threshold of the 3rd day. Threshold moments always require a sacrifice to crossover the threshold. A complete surrender of the 2nd day must take place so we can move into the covenant promise of the 3rd day, a day of resurrection and wonders.

Joshua chapter 1-3 is a word the LORD spoke to me 25 years ago that has marked my life. I’ve called you to do what’s never been done before, no generation has ever been this way before so don’t act like you know where you’re going, follow the Ark of the Covenant, Follow The Mercy Seat!” The Church must understand the difference between sanctification and consecration. Sanctification is God’s job, consecration is our job. Whatever we consecrate to the LORD, He will sanctify and make Holy. The LORD is currently looking for a people GIVEN OVER (consecrated) that He can possess so His Eternal Purpose can be manifested in this fullness of time moment. Will we answer the call to consecrate ourselves completely and follow the Mercy Seat?

5785/2025 - 5786-2026

The Tested & Approved Company - Coming Out Of The Wilderness

Eph. 1:3  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,  4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,  5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,

There's a tested & approved company that has overcome their wilderness season and they will begin receiving divine blueprints (dreams, visions, revelation) for their region and sphere of stewardship. We’re moving from temporary relief church services to adoption ceremonies (son placement moments of atonement restoring the eternal destiny of bloodlines).

The word adoption (huiothesia), as used in Eph. 1:5, “the spirit of adoption,” can literally mean son placement. Biblically the spirit of adoption refers to a son coming to maturity and being placed into their role as the executor of their Father’s affairs, estate and will. There’s a supernatural transition occurring within the Body of Christ from orphans (jealous, envious of each other because we truly don’t know who we are before the Father) anointed with the gifts of the spirit, to sons of God who live for 1 purpose - to see their Father’s work finished in the earth (John 4:34).  Remember the Biblical term ‘sons’ is a gender neutral term, it means male and female just like the term ‘Bride of Christ’. The ancient tradition of adoption (son placement) can be clearly seen in the Scripture. The historical tradition of the adoption ceremony occurred when a son reached the age 30 years old and clearly exhibited that he had reached maturity. The Father would present his son before the elders in the gate and declare, “this is my beloved son in whom I’m well pleased. Upon him I bestow all my authority to govern the affairs of my estate.” Basically if you deal with him it’s as if you're dealing with me.

I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that Joseph and King David arose to their positions of authority at age 30. We see this prophetic picture of a son placement ceremony with Jesus at  the Jordan River at age 30. I want to stress, it’s not about a magical number (age 30), but it’s all about our submission to the wilderness process of testing and coming to a place of maturity! Afterwards Jesus was immediately led by the Spirit into the wilderness for a “time of testing.”After 40 days Jesus returned in the POWER of the Spirit and immediately opened the scroll in the synagogue declaring “TODAY” this Scripture (Isaiah 61:1-3) is full.

Azusa Street Revival - The Passover Door Unto Sonship

Since the Azusa Street outpouring (On PASSOVER) April 9th 1906 we have been in a season of the restoration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and demonstration of the power gifts resulting in signs, wonders and miracles. On March 23, 2024 I was in Monterey California speaking at a conference and began to prophesy about the 120th anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival and the 2 year window up to that time.

Most people don’t realize that April 9, 1906 was Passover when the LORD poured out His spirit upon that small remnant at 214 Bonnie Brae Street in Los Angeles. Prophetically Passover is an open door of Exodus out of slavery and into sonship. The Passover Door in Egypt was the beginning of God’s redemptive purposes for His Covenant People. As we read about their exodus we see they failed the maturity test and wandered in the wilderness 40 years while an unbelieving generation died off. 40 years later the Passover Door opens again for them to cross over into their promise. The covenant people didn’t cross over at some random time but at the appointed time, right at the Passover Door again. Can we see that were at 3 -40 year periods from the initial April 9th door of 1906. I surely don’t want to see another generation miss their moment of atonement to enter into maturity as sons and stewards of the Kingdom Promise. Even though we have seen extraordinary miracles over the past 120 years, we have yet to see mature manifested sons of the Kingdom.

If you study the tent revivalist of the 1940’s & 50’s it’s amazing the manifestation of the anointing of God upon them, but it’s also disheartening of the competition that took place amongst them. Many kept getting larger tents so they could be known as the one who had the largest tent of that day. As we know some of these anointed vessels ended badly and brought a measure of reproach upon the pentecostal movement and the name of Christ. What occurred then is no different than what we see today amongst ministries that are envious, jealous and competing for positions and people. This is what has been termed anointed orphan Christianity. I along with others want to sound the TRUMPET and get ready to cross over! I personally don’t think there are any do overs at this point, He is taking a people who have answered the call to consecrate all, into the PROMISE.

The 120 Upper Room Throne Room Company

Gal. 1:1  Paul, an apostle (apostolos), not sent from men nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead,

As we come to April 9, 2026 the 120th anniversary of the outpouring there’s a 120 upper room throne room company that the LORD is looking to (apostello) SEND forth into the earth. One hundred & twenty (120) is not a literal number but a prophetic number that will require a different post (or my book) to exhaust. We must understand the times and seasons of the Kingdom of God as related to His redemptive purposes and prophetic promises being made manifest in the earth. The Body of Christ has a hard time discerning Kingdom transitions and letting go of the last redemptive outpouring so they can enter into the new stage of Father God’s redemptive plan concerning heaven and earth. The LORD is commissioning a company once again not from the hand of man nor the agency of man but commissioned by the ONE with the Nail Pierced Hand.

Releasing (Dominion) Kingdom Governance From The Garden Within

The 3rd Statement The LORD made to me during that season of injustice was; “All government begins with self-government. Ed, if you cannot govern your thoughts, the words of your mouth, your emotions and your flesh suit, how can I trust you with My words that carry Kingdom Governance? You will be too dangerous to those in your sphere of stewardship.”

Phil. 2:12  Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;

1Cor. 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

It’s time to move from Judicial Truth to Experiential Truth. The Blood of Christ has secured our seat with Him in Heavenly Places, it’s a judicial fact but it’s up to us to know how to righteously steward judicial truth which can activate it in our everyday walk with the LORD.

The Apostle Paul said, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Paul did NOT say WORK FOR your salvation he said work it out.

The LORD spoke to me once about this truth. He said, “I have perfectly restored the GARDEN within you, I AM one spirit with you within your spirit man. But just as I gave Adam dominion (Kingdom Governance) and stewardship over the garden so too I will not do what I have given you the ability to do. You must steward and work out what I have entrusted to you. You must govern your sphere of stewardship from the garden of dominion within. Son if you cannot govern your mind, your will, your emotions and your flesh suit, how can you truly release the government of My Kingdom throughout the earth? Son, all government begins with self-government, you must release My Dominion from the garden of your spirit man throughout your mind, emotions and body. I created you to GOVERN and whatever you do not govern will GOVERN YOU. Many within My Body throughout the earth have come to the revelation that My Church is My Governmental Body but they never move from judicial truth to experimental truth. Yes they have made many governmental decrees in My Name but they have not come to maturity in their sphere of stewardship concerning governing their thoughts, their emotions, and their flesh. Listen son, I’m speaking to YOU and My People. It’s time to declare war on every thought, emotion and impulse that is not in alignment with My Lifestyle. I’m currently unseating and reseating the administration of My Kingdom on the earth. Those that have ascended into maturity by stewarding well the past season, I am bestowing upon them the next measure of mercy and justice. I’m releasing a global invitation to take your seat, come sit with Me upon the Mercy Seat so I can reveal My Heart to you for humanity, where I can impart to you My emotions so you can truly love your enemies and bless those who spitefully use you. This is a practical application of what it means to cross over and be seated with Me in heavenly places. Will you allow a death to take place at the threshold so a resurrection of My person might begin to manifest in your life. Those that answer the call to maturity and come sit with Me in Mercy will be unsheathed to the next expression of My Kingdom Governance which will begin to manifest My Glory.”

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