Pioneers of the 3rd Day Come Forth, A Word for the Decade
Sunday night, Nov. 22, 2020, I was in a meeting where Tim Sheets shared about a vision of an Angel with a plumb-line, the same Angel that he saw in Flint Michigan during our “Strike The Match” gathering on Dec. 9, 2018. Tim Sheets also said, he saw 83 other angels with plumb-lines for all 83 counties of Michigan - POWERFUL! During this meeting I had a vision and this prophetic word come forth.
Mal. 3:1 “Behold, I send My messenger, And he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, Will suddenly come to His temple, Even the Messenger of the covenant,
2 “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire And like launderers’ soap.
3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, And purge them as gold and silver, That they may offer to the LORD An offering in righteousness.
I saw a plumb-line dropped over an ancient compass. I heard I’m commissioning a Pioneer Movement from the sea of glass, from the waters above, that will begin to breakthrough into the waters below. These Pioneers are My Timers, they’ve given My Timeless words of Eternity that will shift, realign, redeem and RESET time back to My original design and timeline. My Timers have been given Government and they will releases the words of true governance that will shake the foundations of human governance that is built upon sand. My Timers will move with Covenant and Government (2 Angels) releasing My Kingdom in the Latter Glory era of this present timeline.
My Timers are a new breed of prophets (a pure breed), true messengers of Covenant (human messengers) who will move in tandem with “The Messenger (Angel) of Covenant.” This movement will restore My covenant foundation in My People and in the Nations of the earth. They will move with the Refiners Fire to burn away the chaff and the lesser things and bring forth the eternal gold that I have destined for every bloodline, region and nation. Those that yield and respond to My Fiery Wind will experience transformation.
The next 10 years will be a time of restoration, a time of Divine Reset that will cause great shakings of everything built upon SAND (anything not truly Eternal - Gold refined in the Fire). Don’t fear the shaking, the shaking is to awaken that which has laid dormant in My People, and in the earth. My Pioneers (forerunners) are opening The Waters for the 3rd day, a Day of Wonders. You’ve truly never been this way before, so don’t act like you know where you’re going. FULLY lean into ME and you will see the mysteries that have been hidden in My Heart waiting for an appointed people at an appointed time. A tested and approved company who have been Made Ready to steward what I am pouring out in this Glory Dispensation. Tell My People, they Must Yield to My Fiery Winds of refinement! For there will be a reassignment in the fires of refinement. Everything they're looking for and longing for is in the Fiery Winds of refinement. Behold I am forging new weapons of war in the fire of My Spirit. For I am forging a sound that can summon the earthly and heavenly armies. A sound with No Mixture of wills or agendas, It’s the sound of ONE, Echad, the sound of El Echad through His Covenant People, fully yielded to His Mouth. For I will blow through My Prepared Ones, they will be My Silver Trumpets, My Messengers, that can call forth the Leaders of Tribes and Summon My Ekklesia to come forth in this season of war.
The war ahead is for My Eternal Purpose to be made manifest through My Body in the Earth. Tell My People they must 1st win the War within - to crucify the Lesser Things that hinder My Purposes from truly manifesting in the earth. Only My Fires of Refinement can bring forth My Eternal Purpose, TRUST Me and you will See what you never thought possible before. This has been a great mystery, but in the fullness of Time I’m opening eyes to see what’s never been seen before. I say See the Open Door, Come Up Here and I will show you what will soon take place. Leave the Lesser Things behind and ascend to your rightful place before me, the place that I purchased for you by My Blood. Receive your commission, your new assignment, You are My Pioneer! You are My Weapon of War!